Sunday, November 28, 2010

3rd Grade--Georgia O'Keefe Flowers

Third grade students will view this slideshow:

They will discuss what they see in the various Georgia O'Keefe flower paintings.  They'll also view this slideshow to get inspiration:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

1st Grade--Piet Mondrian Style Abstract Geometric Paintings

Students will get inspiration from this slide show of Mondrian abstract paintings.
They will use black construction paper strips and primary color paints to complete their work.

Monday, November 15, 2010

5th Grade--Inca Inspired Mask Medallions

5th graders will learn about the artwork of the Incas.  We will look particularly at mask design done by the Incas.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Aboriginal Art--4th grade

Fourth grade students will be creating their own aboriginal style dot paintings.
They will be seeing this slide show in class:

Students will brainstorm various Australian animals and sketch out ideas before beginning to paint, using q-tips.  Students may want to check this list to find out about animals they may not have known about.  Bonus points for sketching at home and bringing it in next week!

Monday, November 8, 2010

6th Grade-Egyptian Sarcophagus Design

Students will be creating their own Egyptian Style Sarcophagus designs including their own face to be entombed! Students will use the slideshow as inspiration and design help when making their sarcophagus.